Latest update: 31st December 2017
Photos from the garden in 2017 of toads, frogs, foxes, birds and other
wildlife. No young fox cubs, but certainly full sized cubs.
Older Photos of Garden Wildlife - 2016
24th January 2017, hate to see the heron, fortunately only twice a year or so, but she may come back to steal fish early in the morning.
Not flown far enoigh away yet.
Often hear and see Ring Necked Parakeets or parrots, but usually only for a
few seconds as they fly past the garden. But today a
pair stop off at
a seed feeder and are able to reach the food inside despite the squirrel cage
which stops pigeons.
The parrotts stayed for about five minutes.
Similarly, often hear the woodpecker, but rarely see her, the red tail is the giveaway.
14th January 2017, foxes still appear for breakfast and dinner, and sometimes eat bread left out for the birds.
20th January 2017, settling down on the rockery.
Lucy the dog is now 16 years old and can not chase the foxes at same speed as when she was younger, but still like to bark at them.
But generally, Lucy and the foxes now ignore each other.
26th January 2017, four foxes having an evening meal.
4th February 2017, more often there are only two foxes.
2nd March 2017, the foxes and ducks usually ignore each other as well, two ducks sitting on the grass by the pond edge.
23rd March 2017, these are the two friendly foxes, that follow me around
waiting for food. No other will eat until I leave the garden. I've
lost track of the family relationships, who is mother or cub, chances are one of
27th March 2017, always hate to see a heron looking for breakfast.
Massive birs, but not good in my garden.
9th May 2017, often hear the woodpeckers, but don't often see them up close.
The woodpecker again, and a pigeon that is too large to get into the cage.
Having a good meal.
Joined by a starling.
23rd March 2017, the foxwes having dinner.
6th April 2017, the lawn is less muddy so now they get fed there, easier to photograph.
7th Aapril 2017, a fox eats chicken bones for breakfast.
7th April 2017, there are two friendly foxes that eat while I'm still putting
food on the grass, and a third more timid one that watches
from a distance
and only eats once I'm back in the house.
While the foxes are eating dinner, the ducks are also eating bird seed by the pond, they mostly ignore each other.
16th April 2017, early evening, if I forget to feed them one or more fioxes waiting by the kitchen window until I arrive.
19th April 2017, the three regulars having dinner.
26th April 2017, Lucy and a fox eating together.
Both seem conent.
Lucy probably wishes her legs were younger so she could chase the foxes again.
21st May 2017, a fox trying to dig up newly planted bulbs.
23rd May 2017, one fox licking another, mother and cab? I've lost track of which is which.
Having a good scratch while they wait for more food.
22nd June 2017, each year the crows that live in the next garden hace a
family, this year it seems to be three fledglings, all fully grown
now, but
hard to get all five together, always flying in different directions.
11th July 2017, finally got five crows in the same frame, there might even have been six.
8th June 2017, these two are the regulars for dinner.
10th June 2017, and Lucy the dog still likes to show it's really her garden. But sadly without much energy.
The foxes used to run away whenever Lucy was arround.
But now they tolerate each other.
21st June 2017, mother fox from a few feet away.
3rd July 2017, anoher grooming session between mother and fully grown cub.
Nervious fox still won't come anywhere near the food until I'm in the house.
But does want to be groomed by mother again.
7th July 2017, mother waiting patiently for dinner in the evening subshine.
21st July 2017, early morning, seems the crows family has four fledglings this year, assuming both parents are here.
Five of the crows again.
3rd August 2017, again five crows, very rare all six are together long enough to photograph.
16th September 2017, lots of Starlings on the two feeders, but there is so
much natural food on trees and bushes that there is little interest
in my
food during the autumn, feeding here will increase in the winter when the tress
are bare of fruit.
25th July 2017, one of the foxes waiting for dinner.
3rd August 2017, three foxes waiting for dinner, one grooming another.
11th August 2017, tonight they are joined by a fourth fox, I should not have planted such tall flowers blockng view of the lawn.
19th August 2018, I think these are two almost fully grown cubs, watched by mother, but hard to tell.
This is certainly a cub, very nevious, always runs straight out of the garden whenever I'm seen.
31st August 2017, the foxes patiently waiting for food.
20th September 2017, 8am, the foxes usually ignore the squirrels, although
they don't often meet, but this fox has taken a fasination in
the squirrel
nut feeder on the shed, waiting for a squirrel to jump down from the roof.
Probably a cub since older animals know a chase
is mostly futile.
1st November 2017, a few times a year, all the crows gather together very noisily in a local tree, presumably to pair off for mating.
26th Novmber 2017, another visit to the feeder by a Ring Necked Parakeet or parrot.
29th Novmber 2017, lots of hungry Starlings on the peanut fat and bread feeders.
19th Octover 2017, dinner for the foxes.
26th Octover 2017, patiently waiting for dinner.
Don't often see four foxes eating together. The large net covering the pond can be seen, trying to keep leaves out.
Not all hungry.
Friendly fox just waits outside the back door.
Lucy the dog still like to bark at the foxes, but her old legs no longer allow her to chase them out of the garden.
8th November 2017, the crows will also eat the foxe's dinner, if there is any left.
Three foxes tonight.
21st November 2017, four foxes around the lawn and flower bed.
Mother and caub grooming.
27th November 2017, watching the house for movement.
And now eating.
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