Croydon Ducks - Brickfields Meadow - 2014

Latest update: 17th October 2014

External Links: Council Information  Google Map

Brickfields Meadow is a 10 acre park in Woodside, only about 20 years old, the site of a old brick works with the main pond being an
old clay pit. When the clay ran out, they used clay dug from the Victoria Line underground tunnels to make bricks. Much of the site is
now new housing, the rest a new park with a large, deep, fish filled pond, and a small more natural pond, also woodland and play area.

Best parking is at the end of Christie Drive (CR0 6YA for satnavs), off Davidson Road in Woodside, but there are several entrances
around the meadow from other roads, including Anthony Road (off Morland Road), Dickenson's Lane, and Tennison Road  (but not
Birchanger Road to the west), no gates.

The meadow is entirely surrounded by housing, and seems to be a depository for a lot of rubbish, including in the water which does
not always look very clear.  Fishing is allowed in the pond, which has various water fowl, but no more than a dozen birds have been
seen at any one time.

Older Photos of Brickfields Meadow - 2013


25th February 2014, this park used to be a clay pit and does not drain well, so has been very muddy all winter, so not been visiting
very often. This is the entrance path from Tennison Road.


The main pond, just one pair of Mallards swimming across.


The water level is high to the bridge is submerged and impassable, with clay mud making it dangerous to even reach it. The council
should really build steps on both sides.


But the council has cut back vegetation, a pair of Mallards and a Coot come for some food.


Either the car that was pushed into the pond last year has been removed, or the water is so high it can not been seen.


The open grass at the opposite end of the park to the pond.


17th June 2014, the main pond is very quiet, no ducks or geese.


But the bridge is accessible again, so can easily feed Coots and Moorhens and their families on the small pond.


A Coot feeding her chicks.


The young Coots have red beaks, adult Moorhens are red as well.


The Coots on the far side of the pond.


8th July 2014, can only see a single Coot on the main pond, not even any fishermen. No Mallards.


The small pond looks quiet initially.


But a Coot family appears from the reeds.


Several Coot chicks.


And a Moorhen as well.


12th September 2014, the water level has dropped a foot since our last visit, so the sunken car is again visible, and provides a resting
place for Coots.  Probably never manage to build a nest on the roof though, bet they've tried.


Only Coots and Moorhens today, no ducks or geese. 


Several hungry Moorhens on the small pond, light against the camera so poor photo.

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